Criteria for Eligibility
- Nominee must have made a significant contribution to aviation. That contribution could be one gallant event, or achievement over time that has had a lasting impact;
- Nominee may be cited for achievements in either civil or military aviation or both;
- Nominee may be either living or deceased;
- The nominee must have been born in Rhode Island or have been a resident of the State for a meaningful period; OR
- The nominee must have graduated from a Rhode Island college or university; OR
- In the case of figures of national and/or international prominence, some aspect of their aviation activity/experience must have taken place in Rhode Island.
Nominations are open to the general public, and the public is encouraged to submit recommendations for consideration.
Eligibility may derive from any aspect of aviation, civilian or military, including aircrew, aircraft design and manufacture, maintenance and servicing, instruction, air traffic control, airport operations, airline management/operations, aviation sales, promotion and education. In the case of a team effort, such as an aircrew, all members may be considered.
No specific format is required, but detailed documentation is important! Highest consideration is given to the most complete nomination packages.
You may use our contact form to begin the nomination process. Please include an overview of your nominee, your relation and contact information so we can get in touch with you.
Alternately, you can send nomination materials to:
Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame
PO Box 28701
Providence, RI 02908
Each year the Nominating Committee, which includes all living members of the Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame, will select a slate of possible inductees. This committee will meet as necessary to review candidates. Committee members have been instructed not to compare the importance of any one candidate’s achievements or impact against the achievements of another; each nominee must stand on its own and be evaluated individually.
The committee then presents its recommendations to the Board of Directors who will select between three and five inductees for each year.
Nominees not chosen for induction in a given year will stay in consideration indefinitely. Please note that no importance whatsoever is assigned to order of enshrinement. The selection and honoring process is an ongoing one.
Click here for our current selection committee listing.