Benefits to the Community, the State and the Region
The preliminary economic benefit analysis shows strong, positive outcomes for Rhode Island, both direct and indirect.
The education and workforce development elements alone will offer added benefits for the State and the region for years to come. Click here for more information on those elements.
Just as we planned with the aircraft carrier, this will be a broad-based family attraction with education, entertainment and recreation elements appealing to all ages. The financially self-sufficient facility will accommodate reunions, conferences, trade shows, athletic competitions and other special events. It will serve as a permanent home for the Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame, along with all the aircraft and ship artifacts we have and will continue to collect.
With the closing of the Quonset Air Museum, Rhode Island no longer has an aviation heritage center of any kind. In addition, the Rhode Island chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association needs a new home and has committed to occupy part of our facility. A goal of the EAA chapter is to be an educational resource for aviation; another goal is to help people build and fly aircraft.