A “Hands-On” and “Minds-On” Experience

We intend to break the mold of the traditional static museum by offering exciting new technology and broad-based recreational experiences. Opinion polls and focus groups have shown that the very word “museum” can evoke associations with thoughts such as “stuffy”, “dusty” and “passive” from potential visitors. Changing that mindset will broaden public appeal, round out the visitor’s experience and add to the revenue potential of the facility.
To make this project the success we will execute a business plan that maximizes the facility’s ability to become a strategic asset across a wide range of initiatives.
For starters, the museum and attractions world has changed drastically over the past two decades. Non-profit institutions can no longer count on endowments, donations and taxpayer subsidies to bail them out of operating losses. Earned revenue will be the key to survival in the 21st century.
To be successful in today’s environment, we must offer something that will appeal to everyone – not just veterans and military buffs. This venue must draw younger generations, women, children and minority groups. And, it must draw them more than once.
We must overcome the perception that this will be just another aviation or naval museum, one that will appeal primarily to old salts and a dying breed of “Greatest Generation” veterans. While there is a strong veteran population in the region, static military exhibits alone will not attract enough visitors (and especially repeat visitors) to enable the project to be self-supportive. Such displays, while important, must be made current and relevant, and be combined with dynamic, interactive elements to broaden and deepen a sustained engagement with the public.

The balance of the project would feature a broad spectrum of attractions and educational elements with a unifying Air/Land/Sea theme, including those relating to our new frontiers–particularly outer space and undersea. Motion simulators and other interactive attractions will make up a “Virtual Theme Park.” Rounding out the family appeal will be additional recreation and family entertainment areas and airport viewing access not currently available to the public.
In addition to the heritage and family attraction elements, the facility will include significant vocational training programs as well community meeting and recreation space.